For Public Notices, announcements, declarations and decrees



1. For any transaction1 is with the fee of 5,000.00$ (Five thousand dollars) per minute, rounded up to the minute, for the duration of the entire transaction.

2. For the interruption of any time being spent by us is with the fee of 10,000.00$ (Ten thousand dollars) per incident. This includes prioritizing a file or claim above our intended activities.

3. For the suspension or disruption of our current or intended activities is with the fee of 50,000.00$ (Fifty thousand dollars) per day, incident or activity, at our discretion.

4. For each word spoken in response to communication initiated by a contracting party2, is with the fee of 500.00$ (Five hundred dollars) per word.

5. For any time spent responding to claims of any kind, is with the fee of $800.00 per hour, rounded up to the hour.

6. No business with criminal organizations: we do not fund, provide financing or conduct business with any organization committing or suspected of committing criminal activity under international law. Therefore, no business, including payments of any kind, would be permitted with those organizations as it could be considered an enablement and/or an extension of those activities or crimes.

7. Account required for commerce

a) The minimum fee for opening a new account is $5000.00.

b) No business will be conducted with any party without an associated account.

8. Any party seeking to contract with our organization must provide full incorporation information and transparency regarding its members and activities and any information held about our organization.

9. Liability setoff: All liabilities will be settled using our organization’s “Cestui Que Vie” account.

10. Communications: Please note that no phone call, text message or verbal communication will be accepted as communication. To communicate with us please write to us at the address we provide to you for correspondence, ensuring that the individual who corresponds is a living person who understands their legal capacity and signs and dates in wet ink all documents sent.

11. No consent is given and should not be assumed for any purposes, to facilitate or expedite transactions, nor should it be assumed in the case of any lack of response or lack of communication of our part. Any assumption of consent on behalf of our organization is with the minimum penalty of 75,000,000.00$ (Seventy-five million dollars)

12. Digital privacy: No information about our organization, administrators and/or activities is permitted to be held by any contracting party beyond the time required for the use of that information for which there is a minimum penalty of 75,000,000.00$ (Seventy-five million dollars).

13. Filming and/or recording any kind of us, our organization, administrators and/or activities is strictly prohibited. For any unauthorized filming of our organization, administrators and/or activities is with a minimum penalty of 75,000,000.00$ (Seventy-five million dollars).

14. Payments:

All payments are due in net 20 days. Failure to pay amounts due within specified delay are subject to recovery fees of up to and not limited to $5,000.00 (Five thousand dollars) per incident. Amounts due by the debtor will offset amounts due to the debtor, if any.



1.  A “Transaction” is any transaction, attention to or receipt of communication, exchange of words, cooperation with instructions given, arrangement or relationship or any series of similar transactions, arrangements or relationships.

2. A “Contracting party” is any party who performs or seeks to perform a “Transaction” with RAYMON SHARMA.